The Power of Low-Ticket Items to Sell High-Ticket Products

Amado Aguilar

September 13, 2024

You’ve poured your heart, time, and creativity into your products. But how do you convince potential customers to part with their hard-earned cash, especially for high-ticket items? The secret weapon for many successful marketers is leveraging low-ticket items to warm them up for the big-ticket stuff.

The Problem New Creators Have

Imagine this scenario: two people are selling the same transformation. Who would you buy from?

Let's say I'm person one, and Justin Welsh is person two.

  • My product = $850

  • Welsh’s product = $850

If you chose mine, I'd thank you, but I'd say you're crazy. Sensible people would prefer to go with the creator who has a larger following. Welsh, obviously.

Why? Because he has way more credibility and clout around his brand. It makes sense to choose the creator with more reviews and a proven track record. This is what I'm up against—creators with more experience and credibility.

Enter the power of low-ticket items.

I want to sell an $850 course, but I need to warm up my audience to a big-ticket item like that. This is likely your situation too. You're competing against creators with years of advantage. So, what can you do?

Understanding Low-Ticket Items

Low-ticket items are priced under $50. These items have lower buying resistance because customers are more willing to take a chance on an affordable product from a new creator. Think of these items as the gateway to your premium offerings. They build trust, demonstrate value, and lay the foundation for future purchases.

Why Low-Ticket Items Work

Leveraging low-ticket items can be a powerful strategy to reduce buying resistance and build trust with potential customers. Here’s why this approach works and how to implement it effectively.

  1. Reducing Buying Resistance: Low-ticket items lower the barrier to entry. It's easier to convince someone to spend a small amount. If your low-ticket item delivers value, it sets the stage for bigger purchases.

  2. Building Trust: Offering a high-quality, low-ticket item showcases your expertise and reliability. Positive experiences with smaller purchases build trust for larger investments.

  3. Creating Repeat Customers: Positive experiences with low-ticket items reduce buying resistance for future purchases. Repeat business is the lifeblood of any successful creator.

  4. Word-of-Mouth Marketing: Satisfied customers share their experiences, creating organic promotion for your brand.

Pain Points Creators Face

Lots of creators struggle with selling high-ticket items right off the bat. These are the common struggles:

  • Lack of Trust: New customers hesitate to invest significantly in a product from someone they're unfamiliar with.

  • High Competition: The digital product market is saturated, making it hard to stand out and convince customers to choose your product.

  • Customer Skepticism: With so many options, customers are skeptical about the value of high-ticket items.

Implementing the Strategy

So now you know how low-ticket items work and the pain points creators face. Here’s how to use low-ticket items to warm up customers for higher-ticket products:

  1. Identify Your Low-Ticket Item: This could be a mini-course, eBook, template, or any low-priced product that aligns with your high-ticket offerings.

  2. Create Exceptional Value: Despite the low price, the perceived value should be high. Your low-ticket item should solve a specific problem or provide significant benefits.

  3. Market Strategically: Promote your low-ticket item through social media, email newsletters, or your website. Highlight the value and benefits.

  4. Leverage Customer Feedback: Showcase testimonials and reviews from customers who bought your low-ticket item. Positive feedback builds trust and credibility.

  5. Upsell and Cross-Sell: Once a customer buys a low-ticket item, introduce them to your high-ticket products. Show how the high-ticket item builds on the low-ticket one and offers more benefits.

Real-World Examples

Ebook to Online Course

A creator offering an eBook on digital marketing can use it as an entry point for customers. Once they see the valuable insights in the eBook, they’re more likely to invest in a comprehensive online course on the same topic.

Mini-Workshop to Full Coaching Program

Hosting a low-cost mini-workshop gives potential clients a taste of your coaching style and expertise. If they find value, they’re more likely to sign up for a more expensive, in-depth coaching program.


Selling high-ticket items doesn't have to be an uphill battle. By strategically using low-ticket items, you can build trust, reduce buying resistance, and create a loyal customer base ready to invest in your premium offerings. Remember, the key is to provide exceptional value at every step of the customer journey. Pour your heart into your products, market them effectively, and watch your business grow.

The power to turn your passion into profit lies in understanding and implementing smart marketing strategies. Start small, build trust, and soon, your high-ticket items will fly off the shelves. But to start growing your business and generating those sales, you need to grow your social media following.

Lucky for you, I studied a dozen top creators and created an ebook on three of the best ones. If you want an in-depth guide on growing your social media following, you can get my guide here.

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