Repurposing Content Has Significantly Improved My Workflow & Reduced My Workload

Amado Aguilar

October 1, 2024

How can you save time while still producing valuable content for your audience? The key is learning how to create once and repurpose often.

Rather than writing new content every day, which leads to burnout, it’s better to think strategically about what you’re creating. It would help if you considered making a significant piece, like a blog article, and then repurposing it into smaller pieces for platforms like LinkedIn, X, or Substack Notes. When I realized that a lot of my research—hours and hours per piece—was going to waste, just sitting on some Notion page somewhere, I realized I was wasting so much of the valuable time and effort I spent learning that content.

It really sucks researching a whole week or more on one piece and never extracting more value from the notes you already wrote down.

So, here’s one way you can multiply the value you extract from your work on the first try.

Start by creating a long-form blog post that delivers real value. Once that’s done, break it down into multiple short-form pieces:

  • Tweets

  • LinkedIn posts

  • Newsletters

When you execute this strategy effectively, your original blog post becomes the cornerstone of an entire content ecosystem. This ecosystem not only keeps your audience engaged but also reassures you that you’re not overburdening yourself.

Now, when I write something, i usually start with a blog article, and break it down from there. The research that would normally get wasted after that one piece now helps me convert the blog into more atomic or short-form X posts.

But repurposing is just part of the strategy. Your content should also guide your audience through a journey.

  1. Write a short post that leads back to your blog article.

  2. Write a blog article that links directly to a product you offer.

  3. Position your product to naturally lead your audience to an even more premium offering.

You deliver more value at every step while guiding them deeper into your funnel. It’s not just about pushing for a sale—it’s about providing real solutions to your audience’s problems, one piece of content at a time.

If you're interested in learning more about marketing your products, I write a free weekly newsletter sharing valuable insights and firsthand experiences to help you attract more customers and promote your products. Sign up here →

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