How I Use Product Marketing to Move Customers Through the Sales Funnel

Amado Aguilar

October 6, 2024

When I started selling products online, I thought it would be so easy. I figured I would just put the product out there, tell people what it is, and watch the sales roll right in. Sounds simple, right? Well, I was so wrong.

I learned real quick that getting someone from “Hey, this looks interesting” to pulling out their credit card is a whole different ballgame. But here’s the thing—everything changed once I figured out how to guide people through a sales funnel using product marketing and writing.

So, I’m about to tell you how I market my products at every funnel stage to keep customers moving toward that final purchase.

Social Media Content and Blog Posts Are The Gateway

You can have the best product in the world, but if no one knows about it, who cares? This is where social media and blog posts come into play—they’re your first point of contact, your top-of-funnel. But the thing is, you shouldn’t be selling right away. Your goal is to hook people in with valuable content that speaks directly to their pains.

I learned that social media is great for getting quick and easy attention. Short posts that hit quickly on topics your audience finds interesting are great. Blog posts, on the other hand, are where you get to dive deeper, tell stories, and elaborate on a single point. I can break down my audience’s pain points and gently introduce the idea that they have something that might help.

Think of it this way, your content is a conversation starter, not a sales pitch. Your focus should be giving your audience a taste of what you know and setting them up to want more.

Landing Pages is Where You Pitch the Solution

Once you’ve got someone’s attention with your blog post or social media content, the next step is to direct them to your landing page. This is where you stop hinting and start pitching. Your landing page is where you lay it all out—what your product does, why it solves their problem, and why they should buy it.

You’ve got about five seconds to convince someone to stick around and keep reading. So I always focus on:

  • A clear headline that tells them what they’re getting

  • Benefit-driven copy that shows them exactly how your product will make their life easier

  • A solid call to action that leaves no room for confusion

This is the moment to be clear, direct, and specific. No fluff and no bullshit—just enough facts that make them say, “Yeah, this is definitely for me.”

Thank You Pages: The Hidden Upsell

Most people think the funnel ends after someone clicks “buy.” But I’ve found that thank you pages are an underutilized opportunity. Once someone has already committed to buying something, they’re way more open to hearing about what else you have to offer.

On my thank you pages, I don’t just say, “Thanks for your purchase.” (Not most of them, at least.) I use that space to introduce them to another product—an upsell or a related offer that complements what they bought. Sometimes, it’s a discount on their next purchase, a “one-time” special offer for a higher-tier product, or an invitation to a waitlist.

The key is to make it feel like a natural extension of their purchase. You’re not trying to hit them with a hard sell again. You’re showing them how they can get more value from what they just bought.

First Email Nurture Sequence: Building the Relationship

This is where a lot of creators drop the ball. Once someone buys something, they just go quiet. They don’t send any follow-up emails or anything.

That used to be me. I would send out a free lead magnet and follow up with absolutely nothing. It was the same with all my paid products. It’s like I created an entire business—months and months of building funnels to make a one-time $5 sale. There was no way I was going to build a business that would let me travel the world like that.

I learned that the first email after a sale is crucial for setting the tone of the relationship. My first email sequence is designed to nurture trust and provide more value. I’m not just throwing more sales pitches their way. I’m giving them tips on how to use the product they just bought, answering any questions they might have, and showing them that I actually care about their experience by providing more related and helpful content.

That’s what keeps people coming back. It’s not just about the first sale—it’s about building a long-term relationship.

Conclusion: Writing Is the Key to a Successful Funnel

The real secret to moving people through the funnel is writing—not just writing for writing’s sake, but writing with intention—writing that guides your audience through each stage, from discovery to purchase to repeat customer to the transformation. Social media and blog posts hook them in. Landing pages close the deal. Thank you pages open up the upsell. Your first email sequence builds that long-term connection.

If you’re trying to sell online but haven’t nailed down your product marketing and sales funnel, you’re leaving money on the table. With every sale you make (even your lead magnets), you’re missing out on making more money.

Ready to Master Product Marketing?

If you want to stop guessing and start using product marketing to sell like a pro, I’ve got something to help you. My free product marketing blueprint guide will walk you through how to create content that attracts leads, builds trust, and turns those leads into paying customers.

You’ll learn how to use writing at every stage of the funnel to sell more products and grow your business—without needing a huge following or a ton of experience.

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